What is Heel Pain?
Heel Pain is also sometimes called as heel spur sydrome when a heel spur is present. Or caused by plantar fasciitis, stress fracture on heel bone (calcaneus spur), arthritis, or nerve irritation.
What are the causes of Heel Pain?
– Overuse
– Incorrect footwear: inadequate heel support or shock absorption
– Running injuries: run on hard surfaces, run too often
– Hard landing on heel
Conditions related to heel pain
– Plantar fasciitis
– Bone Spurs
– Achilles Tendinitis
– Referred pain from back
– Tibial nerve entrapment in the posterior tarsal tunnel
Effective treatments that can help heel pain
The treatment of heel pain will entirely depends on the cause of Foot/Ankle problem. All conditions are different, and treatments may differ from each individual.
Treatment for heel pain may consists of:
– Physiotherapy: Your physiotherapist will understand about your heel pain and perform physical examinations. Your Foot/Ankle conditions will be diagnose and explain before implementing solutions to your heel
– Manual therapy: Active and Passive Mobilisation or manipulation of Foot/Ankle joints (subtalar joint, talocalcaneonavicular joint, calcaneocuboid joint, cuneonavicular joint, cuboideonavicular joint, and the intercuneiform joint)
– Massage Therapy: Hands on techniques such as soft tissue release, deep friction massage, myofascial release, trigger points release on Foot/Ankle surrounding muscles (Peroneal, calf – gastro/soleus)
– Pain Relief Therapy: Using pain relief treatment modalities such as Ultrasound , electrical stimulation, TENS, laser, heat therapy to heal and repair injured, inflammed, torn tissues or ligament- anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)
– Shockwave Therapy: Advanced high energy pulses effective for chronic, persistent knee Foot/Ankle tightness, trigger points to stimulate healing. Proven treatment for Achilles tendonitis, calcification/ bone spurs, plantar fasciitis
– Exercise Therapy: Guided 1-1 specific joint movement therapy, muscle stretching, progressive strengthening Foot/Ankle muscles, conditioning back to sports, functional training
– Education: Advice to improve posture, lifestyle modifications, get back to jogging, sports
Our unique treatment approach for Heel pain
At heal360 Physioclinic, our physiotherapist and rehabilitation therapist experts has developed a proprietary signature program for the heel pain –PainRelief360™ Program
Our therapist will perform a thorough assessment and determine the potential cause of the heel problem, and will develop a management and best treatment program for your Foot/Ankle pain: relief pain, regain your Foot/Ankle movement and give you a renewed, stronger Foot/Ankle !