hipPain in the hip and groin region can be difficult to treat and recover fast.

The pain can be direct from the hip joint, hip labrum, hip surrounding muscles, ligaments or referred from the spine.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. It is a large and stable joint. Both the ball and socket are lined with cushioning tissue called cartilage. The ball is anchored firmly into the socket with tough connective tissue called ligaments. The muscles of the legs overlay these ligaments.

Causes of Hip Pain

Hip and pelvis pain and injuries can result from a fall, direct blow, sudden turning, twist, or excessive muscle contraction.

Sports that often cause injury include soccer, hockey, martial arts, dancing, tennis, sprinting.

Hip pain can be also mix of overuse and trauma. This could be poor posture and sports technique of a sprint this could overload the groin structures and one accident of sudden turn or twist, this could cause injury, leading to pain.


Other causes of hip pain:

– Stiffness and muscle tightness of lower back/ pelvis/ hip area

– Muscle weakness or imbalance

– Poor alignment of lower back/ pelvis/ leg

– Leg length discrepancy

– Feet problems eg flatfeet, low arch, high arch

– Over training

– Systemic disease, tumor


Common Hip Pain and Injuries Conditions:

– Muscle/tendon strain (surrounding muscles such as iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, pectineus, gluteus hamstring, gluteus muscle, piriformis, tensor fascia latae, adductors longus, obturators, quadratus femoris)

– Snapping Hip

– Bursitis

– Gluteal Tendinopathy

– Groin Strain

–  Hip Arthritis

– Avascular Necrosis


Effective treatments that can help hip pain

The treatment of hip pain will entirely depends on the cause of hip problem. All conditions are different, and treatments may differ from each individual.

Treatment for hip pain may consists of:

– Physiotherapy: Your physiotherapist will understand about your hip pain and perform physical examinations. Your hip conditions will be diagnose and explain before implementing solutions to your hip

– Manual therapy:  Active and Passive Mobilisation or manipulation of hip joints

– Massage Therapy: Hands on techniques such as soft tissue release, deep friction massage, myofascial release, trigger points release on hip surrounding muscles

– Pain Relief Therapy: Using pain relief treatment modalities such as Ultrasound , electrical stimulation, TENS, laser, heat therapy to heal and repair injured, inflammed, torn tissues

– Shockwave Therapy: Advanced high energy pulses effective for chronic, persistent hip muscle tightness, trigger points to stimulate healing. Proven treatment for tendonitis, calcification/ bone spurs, hip labrum tear

– Exercise Therapy: Guided 1-1 specific joint movement therapy, muscle stretching,  progressive strengthening hip, conditioning back to sports, functional training

– Education: Advice to improve posture, lifestyle modifications

Our unique treatment approach for hip pain

At heal360 Physioclinic, our physiotherapist and rehabilitation therapist experts has developed a proprietary signature program for the hip pain –PainRelief360™ Program 

Our therapist will perform a thorough assessment and determine the potential cause of the hip problem, and will develop a management and best treatment program for your hip pain: relief pain, regain your hip movement and give you a renewed, stronger hip!

To treat your hip Pain, please call our therapist at 62244178 or 9639 0509 or EMAIL US