Stop Wrist Pain with Physiotherapy
Stop Wrist Pain with Physiotherapy

What is De Quervain Syndrome – Wrist Pain?

De Quervain pain syndrome or tendinitis , occurs when the tendons around the base on thumb side of the wrist are injured, irritated or inflamed.

De Quervain Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the tenosynovium and tendon in wrist..

Causes of De Quervain Tendinitis:

– Overuse: Repeatedly hand and thumb motions such as grasping, pinching, squeezing, or wringing

– Arthritis condition, rheumatoid arthritis

– Seen in post pregnancy, or middle aged ladies

Signs of De Quervain’s tendinitis:

– Pain or soreness may be felt over the thumb side of the wrist, may travel up to forearm

– Gradual or sudden onset

– Swelling, inflammation

– Worsen with hand and thumb movement such as grasping objects, twisting the wrist, messaging on phone

– A “catching” or “snapping” sensation, crepitus noise may be felt when moving the thumb or wrist

– Difficult to move the thumb and wrist.

– Numbness may be experienced on the back of the thumb and index finger

Effective treatments that can cure wrist/ finger pain

The treatment of wrist/finger pain will entirely depends on the cause of problem. All conditions are different, and treatments may differ from each individual.

Treatment for wrist/finger pain may consists of:

– Physiotherapy: Your physiotherapist will understand about your wrist/finger pain and perform physical examinations. Your pain condition will be diagnose and explain before implementing solutions to your wrist/finger

– Manual therapy:  Active and Passive Mobilisation or manipulation of wrist/finger joints (distal radiocarpal joint, metacarpophalangeal joint MCP, proximal interphalangeal joint PIP, distal interphalangeal joint DIP )

– Massage Therapy: Hands on techniques such as soft tissue release, deep friction massage, myofascial release, trigger points release on hands muscles

– Pain Relief Therapy: Using pain relief treatment modalities such as Ultrasound , electrical stimulation, TENS, laser, heat therapy to heal and repair injured, inflammed, torn tissues

– Shockwave Therapy: Advanced high energy pulses effective for chronic, persistent wrist muscle tightness, trigger points to stimulate healing. Proven treatment for  tendonitis, calcification/ bone spurs

– Exercise Therapy: Guided 1-1 specific joint movement therapy, muscle stretching,  progressive strengthening wrist, conditioning back to sports, functional training

– Education: Advice to improve posture, lifestyle modifications

Our unique treatment approach for Wrist/ Finger pain

At heal360 Physioclinic, our physiotherapist and rehabilitation therapist experts has developed a proprietary signature program for the wrist/finger pain –PainRelief360™ Program 

Our therapist will perform a thorough assessment and determine the potential cause of the wrist/finger problem, and will develop a management and best treatment program for your wrist/ finger pain: relief pain, regain your wrist /finger movement and give you a renewed, stronger upper body!

Read about patients’ success stories..Click here

To treat your Wrist/ Finger, please call our therapist at 62244178 or 9639 0509 or EMAIL US