‘Instant Pain Relief Cure’ might sound good but does it cure the pain problem instantly? Many pain sufferers reoccur with pain and proven costly, ineffective over time.

At heal360® our first priority is to understand your pain, accurate diagnosis and provide you with Best Pain Treatment for your problem. Our exclusive treating approach ensures that you can enjoy a healthy, injury-free lifestyle without a threat of injury reocurrence.

Our therapists use latest Pain Relief Treatment and rehabilitation strategies to treat most injuries and pain orthopedics conditions affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerve, bones, and joints.

We provide expert treatment of pain, persisting and chronic pain, recurring sports injury, acute and complex painful conditions such as:

  • Head/ Neck Migraines, Headaches, Insomnia, Neck Pain, Stiff Neck, Whiplash, Slipped Disc, Cervical Spondylosis, Degenerated Disc.
  • Back – Back Strain, Backaches, Lumbar Disc Prolapse/ Herniation, Lumbar spondylosis, Lumbar Stenosis, Spondylisthesis, Spondylolysis, Sciatica, Disc degeneration
  • Postural – Scoliosis, Muscle Imbalance
  • Shoulder – Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Strain, Shoulder Impingement, Shoulder Subluxation/ Dislocations, Aches and Stiffness
  • Forearm/ Wrist/ FingerElbow Pain, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, DeQuervains, Wrist Strain, Trigger Fingers
  • Hip – Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Hip Pain
  • Knee Knee pain, Hamstring Strain, Patellofemoral Pain, Menicus Strain/ Tear, Ligament Strain, Pulled Hamstring/ Calf / Quadriceps Muscles
  • Ankle/ FootAnkle pain, Ankle sprain, Plantar Fasciitis
  • Arthritis – Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Others – Fibromyalgia, Fractures


Our Therapeutic Solutions for Treating Pain:

Pain Relief Modalities Treatment: Use of physiotherapy equipment for pain relief, reduce inflammation and swelling. Advance body’s healing ability.

– Ultrasound: Using deep heat by high frequency sound waves to relieve pain and improve healing.

– Electrotherapy: Using electrical stimulation to relax muscle tension, act like electro-acupuncture therapy.

– Heat Therapy: Improve circulation and reduces pain.

– Wax Therapy: Speed up healing, soothes post op pain/scars, reduce pain

– Traction: Decompress the neck or back joints and disc and relieves nerve pressure pain

Manual Therapy: Use of therapist’s hand to optimise movement of joints, muscles, nerve for healing pain.

– Mobilization: Improve joints and muscles movement,  circulation of surrounding nutrients to reduce pain and tightness.

– Joints Manipulation: Restore joint flexibility and normalize joint structural alignment.

– Manual Traction: Unload the pressure on the joints and discs.

– Nerve Mobilisation: Treat nerve pain, numbness, tingling sensation. Improve nerve circulation.

Soft Tissue Massage: Skilled passive pressure are applied to soft tissue heal the muscles, articular structures, neural or vascular systems.

– Sports Massage: Promotes flexibility, removes muscle tightness and fatigue, reduce recovery time for maximum performance pre/post sport event.

– Myofascial Release: Treat muscle stress and tension. Creates relaxed awareness and reduces mental stress.

– Trigger Point Release: Relief pain and stiffness on trigger point (tender spots) and muscle spasm.

– Deep Friction Massage: Target muscles knots at deeper layer, release chronic tension and eliminate scarring.

Therapeutic Exercises: Allows for faster recovery through increase in flexibility, strength and control of muscles.

– Flexibility: Stretch tight muscles and reduce joint stiffness.

– Strengthening: Strengthen weak muscles and protects joint function.

– Balance & Coordination: Stabilize muscles and joints to minimize strains

Clinical Pilates

Postural correction and training

– Core Muscles Strengthening: Helps body to re-learn correct movement patterns through specific clinical pilates exercises, reduce chronic muscle strains.

Taping and Bracing

– Sports Taping: Aids in joints and muscles protection, stabilization, proprioception and muscle feedback.

– Kinesio Taping: Re-educate neuromuscular system, promote lymphatic flow, reduce pain, enhance performance, prevent injury and promote injury recovery.

– Supports and Braces: For back, knee, ankle, shoulder, wrist pain to stabilise structure and allow healing.

Our therapists with a special interest in  pain management can offer many techniques and pain relief therapy depending on each individual’s needs and goals.



Book an appointment now! Phone 62244178 or SMS 9639 0509 or EMAIL US