What is Parkinson Disease?
Parkinson Disease is a progressive slowing neurological condition affecting talking, eating, walking, and daily activities. It is caused by reduction of brain nerve cells (substantia nigra) which produce chemical-dopamine, that is responsible for transmission of messages for coordination of body movements.
What are the symptoms of Parkinson Disease?
– Slow movement
– Difficulty in initiating movements, especially start to walk or standing up
– Resting Tremors
– Stiffness and rigid muscles
– Postural Instability
– Walking abnormalities: shuffling gait, reduced arm swing, stooped posture
– Fatigue
How can Physiotherapy help Parkinson Disease?
Physical therapy cannot cure Parkinson Disease, nor reversed the neurogical damage of reduced nerve cells.
Physiotherapy is very important to help Parkinson Disease patients and care-givers to learn how to manage, improve independence and improve quality of life.
Goals of Physiotherapy for Parkinson Disease:
– Reduced risk of falls with balance/ strengthening/ conditioning exercises
– Prevent muscle and joint stiffness with stretching exercises
– Relieve pain
– Re-educate proper walking through gait training
– Increase exercise/ movement tolerance
– Recommendations on walking aids/ home modifications/ falls prevention