Sport Hernia

Sport Hernia, also known as athletic pubalgia, occurs at the groin area which is a painful soft tissue injury.

What are the Causes of Sport Hernia?

  • Sports activities involve repetitive twisting with maximum force and, high speed turning.

What are the sign & symptoms of Sport Hernia?

  • Pain in the groin area, lower abdomen or testicle (for males)
  • Pain at one side of the groin area
  • Severe pain when coughing, sneezing, twisting, lifting or turning
  • Groin or lower abdomen pain that last for weeks or months

What can Physiotherapy do for Sport Hernia?

At heal360 Physioclinic, our therapist will need to assess and physical examination on your condition to find out the root cause of pain. Physiotherapy may include:  

  • Pain relief modalities: Thermotherapy and electrical stimulation
  • Joint mobilization/ manipulation to the pelvis, sacroiliac joint and/or hip to improve the range of motion
  • Massage: deep tissue massage to regain normal movements and able to relieve pain at the groin area.
  • Exercises: Strengthening, stretching, stabilizing  and flexibility for abdominal, core, pelvic and inner thigh muscles, and return to sport drills exercises

    Call our therapists now if you suspect of suffering from sports hernia: 62244178/ 96390509 or EMAIL US