What is a Whiplash Injury?
Whiplash injury is an injury to the neck or back during an accident or trauma, especially hit from backwards. This is a sudden, forceful jerk which damages the neck or back bone structures and soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, nerve).
Whiplash injury is usually not life threatening or serious, but can lead to permanent, partial disability. Some recovered with minor accidents, most continued to experience symptoms after many years.
What causes a Whiplash Injury?
– car accidents
– sports injury, especially impact sports
– fall
Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash Injury
– Neck pain and stiffness
– Limited neck movement especially bending and rotating
– Headaches, Migraines, Dizziness
– Upper back, lower back pain
– Sensory disturbances and weakness to arm or legs
– Jaw Pain (Temporomandibular Joint Pain)
– Tinnitus (Ringing in the ear)
For severe and chronic whiplash injury, may develop depression, post trauma stress syndrome, sleep disturbances, anxiety.
How do treat whiplash injury?
In very rare occasion, surgery with orthopaedic doctor (neck specialist surgeon) may be a neccesary option for medical emergency accidents such as fractures, unstable joints after whiplash car accident.
It is best to seek help as early as possible after sustaining a whiplash injury.
– Physiotherapy: Your physiotherapist will understand about your neck pain and perform physical examinations. Your neck conditions will be diagnose and explain before implementing solutions to your neck.
– Manual therapy: Passive cervical joint mobilisation, manipulation, manual traction, craniosacral therapy
– Massage Therapy: soft tissue release, deep friction massage, myofascial release, trigger points release
– Pain Relief Therapy: Ultrasound , electrical stimulation, TENS, laser, heat therapy
– Spinal Decompression Therapy: Using computerized system creates an anti-gravity, negative pressure to the cervical spine on the spinal disc, joints, nerves and muscles.
– Shockwave Therapy: Advanced high energy pulses effective for chronic, persistent neck muscle tightness, trigger points to stimulate healing
– Exercise Therapy: Guided progressive stretching and strengthening neck muscles, postural correction exercises
– Education: Advice to improve posture, lifestyle modifications, ergonomics workstation adjustment. stress reductions
Our Non-invasive, Fast, Effective Treatment for Whiplash injury
At heal360 Physioclinic, our therapist adopts our own signature painrelief360™ program with a detailed comprehensive assessment to find your root cause and targeted cost-effective solution for your neck pain. Our therapist works with you closely to achieve fast optimal results and return back to active lifestyle.
Relieve your neck pain with our professional well trained physio & rehab therapist experts today!
Get start on early treatment to get rid of your neck pain now for faster recovery.