PainRelief360™ is a unique revolutionary approach ensures that you can enjoy a healthy, injury-free lifestyle without a threat of pain reocurrence.
We provide expert treatment of pain, persisting and chronic pain, recurring sports injury, acute and complex painful conditions such as:
- Head/ Neck – Migraines, Headaches, Insomnia, Neck Pain, Stiff Neck, Whiplash, Slipped Disc, Cervical Spondylosis, Degenerated Disc.
- Back – Back Strain, Backaches, Lumbar Disc Prolapse/ Herniation, Lumbar spondylosis, Lumbar Stenosis, Spondylisthesis, Spondylolysis, Sciatica, Disc degeneration
- Postural – Scoliosis, Muscle Imbalance
- Shoulder – Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Strain, Shoulder Impingement, Shoulder Subluxation/ Dislocations, Aches and Stiffness
- Forearm/ Wrist/ Finger – Elbow Pain, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, DeQuervains, Wrist Strain, Trigger Fingers
- Hip – Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Hip Pain
- Knee – Knee pain, Hamstring Strain, Patellofemoral Pain, Menicus Strain/ Tear, Ligament Strain, Pulled Hamstring/ Calf / Quadriceps Muscles
- Ankle/ Foot – Ankle pain, Ankle sprain, Plantar Fasciitis
- Arthritis – Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Others – Fibromyalgia, Fractures
How our PainRelief360™ program different from typical Physiotherapy, Chiropractors, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Osteopath?
Our therapist adopt a targeted approach with comprehensive assessment from understanding your problems, head-to- toe physical analysis to find out your root cause or multiple-component causes to your specific body pain.
PainRelief360™ program may includes:
1) Full detailed Physical Assessment:
– Posture & Gait Examination
– Bone and Joint Alignment Analysis
– Muscle Length and Strength Test
– Nerve Test Check
– Stability and Balance Test
– Body Compensatory Movement Analysis
– Work/ Home/ Lifestyle Ergonomics Assessment
2) Highly specialised hands- on treatment including use of therapeutic medical treatment equipment
3) Progressive specific stretching and strengthening exercises to maximise recovery
4) Personalised home program with tips on maximize individual healing potential
Is PainRelief360™ program safe?
PainRelief360™ program is non-invasive, effective and pain-free treatment. It is carefully designed by well experienced physiotherapist and rehabilitation therapist specialising in pain management. We understand that some pain sufferers are fearful about dangers of hard forceful body manipulation, scary cracking noises of joints, overstretched muscles, painful massages, invasives needles, surgery options etc.
Our therapists will ensure you receive most comfortable pain-less experience with a fastest recovery path.
How many sessions do you need for PainRelief360™ program?
Every individual and every condition is different. It is dependent on many factors such as age, health status, severity of condition, duration of condition, impact of accident, previous similar injury, body reaction to pain treatment.
Our therapist will advise you the estimated recovery timeframe and treatment sessions required based on your condition.
Our therapists with a special interest in pain management are committed to providing result oriented pain treatments and always offer clients the safest, most effective and non-invasive treatments fastest to recovery.
Book an appointment now! Phone 62244178 or SMS 9639 0509 or EMAIL US for PainRelief360™ program
Effectiveness of Massage Therapy for Chronic, Non-malignant Pain: A Review
Tsao JCI. Effectiveness of Massage Therapy for Chronic, Non-malignant Pain: A Review. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. 2007;4(2):165-179. doi:10.1093/ecam/nel109.
‘The existing literature suggests that massage therapy may be a useful approach for pain relief in a number of chronic, non-malignant pain conditions, particularly musculoskeletal pain complaints (e.g., shoulder pain, low back pain).’
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sherman KJ, Ludman EJ, Cook AJ, et al. Effectiveness of Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Depression and anxiety. 2010;27(5):441-450. doi:10.1002/da.20671.
‘Massage therapy shows some clinically important improvement in relaxation response by providing patients an environment that reduces anxiety and then providing the tools and support for managing future episodes of anxiety through self-care activities. .’
Physioclinic improved my life by massage has been instrumental overall wellness, especially blood circulation and tone my body. The most course of my treatment my thighs have become firmer and I feel energized the next day after treatment. I would definitely recommend to my friends and family members to Physioclinic because one of the most overlooked aspect of our health by doing a lymphatic treatment, one can feel rejuvenated and healthier overall. PIA my therapist is a joy to have around. She’s patient conscientious and provides useful health tips. I fortunate to have met her. DEBRA CHAN
It has helped me to learn muscle relaxation techniques and improve my headache. The relaxation environment, friendly staff, service and detailed explanation make me at ease during me session. I would definitely recommend Physioclinic to my friends, relatives and family members. SHAHIDAH, optometrist
I had knee pain long time ago. My Therapist helps me to do treatment after few sessions the pain was gone. The relaxing atmosphere and Pia my therapist help me a lot to gain back to normal daily activity. Now I can run again without any discomfort. I highly recommend Physioclinic. PATRICIA ERNST Switzerland