In the early years, physiotherapists, orthopedists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and other medical practitioners were the main users of Kinesio Taping to patients. Today, Kinesio Taping is used by sports athletes around the world after Olympics.
Kinesio Taping is a method that originates from science of Kinesiology, hence the name ‘kinesio’. This is an elastic therapeutic tape to give support and stability to the joints and muscles. Taping can also help to reduce pain and swelling, as well as prevention of sports injuries and optimize sport performance.
What does Kinesio Tape does?
Tape is applied over the muscles to facilitate body’s own natural healing process. Muscles allows for smooth body movements and also control the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperature, etc. Thus, Kinesio Taping exhibits its efficacy through the activation of neurological and circulatory systems.
When taped, muscles are more relaxed, less overused tired and supported on a 24hr/day basis. In comparison to normal rigid sports taping, kinesio tape is not restrictive type of taping which allows for full range of motion without obstruction to bodily fluids. .
What conditions are suitable for Kinesio Taping?
Kinesio Tape is suitable for almost all conditions such as:
– Headaches/ migraines
– Neck and Back Pain
– Whiplash
– Knee conditions- hamstring/ calf strains, groin injury, patella tracking
– Shoulder conditions
– Tennis elbow/ Golfers Elbow
– Heel pain- plantar fasciitis
– Ankle sprains
– Pre and post surgical swelling
To get the best results from a Kinesio taping application, a full assessment and evaluation of the condition by a physiotherapist is necessary. In some cases, other physiotherapy treatments may be required to treat underlying condition.
Call us at 96390509 to make an appointment with our physiotherapist.