Musculoskeletal disorders (aches and pains in the neck, back and arms) are one of the most common causes of absenteeism and low productivity from work.

This is a cost and major concern for your business.

Evidence based research has shown that early intervention and early physiotherapy treatment will contain these costs and minimise absenteeism.

We aim to assist you to prevent and manage workplace injuries and contain associated costs by providing:

  • Fast Track Physiotherapy treatment for employees who have been injured at work or who complain of work related musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Workplace-focused Rehabilitation to facilitate the employee to remain at work, or to return to work as soon as possible.
  • Ergonomic workplace assessments and training, if necessary, to facilitate the employee to remain at work or to return to work as soon as possible.

The benefits for the company and your employees are:

  • Reduced risk of injury.
  • Compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.
  • Timely, relevant physiotherapy when needed.
  • Occupational focus for the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of workplace injuries.
  • Reduced travel times for treatment if physiotherapy is provided onsite
  • Increased morale among staff when injuries are dealt with promptly and efficiently
  • Staff retention.
  • Reduced absenteeism associated with workplace injuries
  • Reduced costs associated with absenteeism

It is surprisingly easy and cost effective to set up a treatment facility onsite, often it is as simple as using an existing empty room. We will bring our equipments to set up.

We can develop a package of onsite or offsite physiotherapy treatment that will suit the particular needs of your company.

 Call us at 9639 0509 or Email us for a discussion.