Active360™ will be an extremely useful program for sedentary or elderly, especially:
- Fall, accident prone
- Deterioration in movement
- Post Hospitalisation
- Post operation
- Risk of falling
- Generalised weakness
- History of stroke, parkinson disease
- Or anyone who is keen to improve their independence and functional abilities and return to active lifestyle
Active360™ Benefits:
- Increase muscle strength, power
- Reducing the risk of falling
- Enhancing safety
- Improve balance and stability
- Increase confidence
- Walking steadily
- Improving your quality of life
- Regaining independence
- Confidence to outdoors activities and sports
Active360™ Program:
Our therapists will perform a full detailed assessment (including muscle strength, muscle tightness, balance, walking and functional capabilites testing) and discuss with you to work on a achievable goal.
A personalised 1-1 therapy program depending on individual’s needs will be implemented which may include stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, balance training, coordination and proprioception, functional training, self management strategies, promotion of independence.
We put the life back into your years and years back into your life!
Call 62244178 or SMS 9639 0509 or EMAIL US now!
The perceptions of physical activity in an elderly population at risk of falling: a focus group study
Hutton L, Frame R, Maggo H, Shirakawa H, Mulligan H, Waters D, Hale L (2009): The perceptions of physical activity in an elderly population at risk of falling: a focus group study. New Zealand Physiotherapy Journal 37(2): 85-92.
‘Due to the upbringing and increased falls risk of the study population, specific supportive guidance in the form of creating awareness, providing community groups and physical exercises is necessary to address inactivity and its associated risk factors. ’
Physical activity is medicine for older adults. Taylor D
Postgraduate Medical Journal 2014;90:26-32.
‘There is an increase in the proportion of older adults, many of whom are at risk for developing non-communicable chronic health conditions. Older adults are generally less physically active than younger adults. In the presence of strong evidence linking physical inactivity to chronic health conditions and increased physical activity to lower mortality and morbidity in older adults, it is imperative to develop a strong commitment to improving physical activity levels in older adults.’
Physiotherapist has built up confidence of my mother-in law in her physical movement without additional help of a walking aid. Therapist has good patience with old person, encouraging her and also knows how to deal with her.
Joyce Chan (Daughter in law)
My mother has stroke many years ago. Last year we noticed that she starts to slow down her walking and movement, despite having trainer and doing physiotherapy. I decided to bring her to Physioclinic together since I am also coming here. We notice her improvement in just 2 months- she gained confidence and strength to walk longer distance with proper guidance. I am very happy to see the results and very motivated therapist! Thank you!
Mr Wong ZS
We have been engaging therapist from Physioclinic since 2013 for my 70+ year old father who is obese with osteoarthritis knee pain and difficulty walking. He is having regular therapy to maintain his strength and mobility. He loves it!
Kenny Chesney