There are many treatments for heel pain and plantar fasciitis in Singapore, including physiotherapy, steriod injections, customised arch support, shockwave therapy and surgery.
Which is the best treatment for fast pain relief and instant result?
About Shockwave Therapy for Heel Pain/ Plantar fasciitis
Each session takes about 15 minutes. Patients experience some discomfort during the shockwave therapy and there may be slight redness on the skin after treatment. More rarely, the heel pain becomes slightly worse after treatment before getting better.
It is understood that shockwave therapy works in two ways:
- Shockwaves therapy cause micro- injury to tissue in the affected area and stimulate healing
- The treatment has a direct effect on the nerve endings which make them less sensitive and therefore less likely to transmit pain
The benefit of shockwave therapy for heel pain is often not felt until after few sessions, depending on severity. The treatment works well for 80 per cent of patients. The effect of the treatment is usually permanent.
To heal your heel pain/ plantar fasciitis, shockwave therapy is the best solution.