Recovery is the process of returning an individual muscle to its pre exercise state. There are many ways to speed up recovery due to sport injury.
Using the PRICE method, the PRICE acronym stands for protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.
First, protect the injured by using supports to prevent further injury, rest to avoid any activities to strain the affected area. Ice to temporary relief short-term rest, ice helps reduce swelling by reducing blood flow to affect areas. Compression help reduces the swelling on affect areas. Lastly, Elevation reduces swelling by lifting the affected area above the level of the heart and also reduces the amount of blood flow to the affected area.
Our therapist will need to assess the severity and stage of the injured condition before implementing the best appropriate treatment methods to aid in recovery. Some of the methods may include using massage, heat treatment, ultrasound therapy, alternating hot–cold water treatment and rehabilitation are also useful to speed up recovery.
Massage is able to enhance the recovery time by being directed to the affected area and also relax the musclo-skeletal system. Massaging the affected area increase the blood flow of the tense and pressured muscles where the circulation is inhibited. Blood contains oxygen and other substances that are important for the growth and repair the tissues. It can also enhance the circulation of blood flow of the joints, ligaments and tendons (Jari Ylinen, Mel Cash, 1988).
Heat treatment uses heat pads, wheat bag, and deep heat cream to be applying on the affected area. As heat causes the dilation of the blood vessels which allows more blood to the affected area stimulating the area that being damage and heal it. However, heat treatment can only be used on an injury that is older than 48 hours. Using heat treatment on a new injury will make the situation worse by causing the injured area to bleed more around it. Ice treatment uses ice packs on the affected area helps to prevent bleeding and inflammation, also reduce spasm or pain to the muscles and numbing the area that’s painful and limit the swelling effects.
Ultrasound therapy uses high energy sound waves, that helps reduce swelling, chronic inflammation and promote the healing process of fracture bone as it stimulate the flow of the blood in the affected area.
Hot and cold immersion therapy uses alternation of warm water and cold water to reduce swelling of the surrounding affected areas or assist with the recovery from exercise and enhance the recovery of the muscle as the levels of blood lactate concentration is being reduced. As warm water dilation the blood vessels allowing the blood flow through the affected area, which able to deliver vitamins, blood cells and nutrients to help heal the affected area. Following by using the cold water which causes the narrowing of the blood vessels which decrease the blood flowing through the affected area reduce inflammation and pain as it limits the blood flowing and lymph fluids to the affected area. However avoid using this therapy during the acute inflammation stage which lasts for about 72 hours.
Rehabilitation programme progressively introducing the affected area with exercises and movement to help the affected area return to its normal function. This will help to mobilize the affected area as soon as possible and enhance the recovery process.
With the different methods and treatments, we are able to enhance and speed up the recovery process of the affected area.
Early Verus Delayed Rehabilitation after Acute Muscle Injury
Quoted from Research:
Starting rehabilitation 2 days after injury rather than waiting for 9 days shortened the interval from injury to pain-free recovery and return to sports by 3 weeks without any significant increase in the risk of reinjury. The observed difference supports the importance of early loading of injured musculotendinous tissue. Immobilization can swiftly and adversely affect muscle and tendon structure and function and has detrimental effects on connective-tissue cells