Telehealth Online Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Services

We believe that in whatever challenging situation, we can continue to provide care and support for our patients via online platform.

Traditionally, most people think of physiotherapy and rehabilitation as a very hands-on & face to face profession. Via online, we can do something similar to assess, diagnose & treat a condition & plan for recovery with education & rehabilitation exercise plan.

Who is it for?

Anyone who needs access to Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation services and get on-going support in the safety of their own homes, when they face a challenging period (Eg Distance Barrier/ Stay Home Advisories, Clinic inaccessibility, Time barrier,  Medical adherence conditions)

How does it work?

  1. Schedule an appointment booking online or via phone whatsapp us 96390509 or 91510068, or email us
  2. You will receive our update once the appointment is confirmed. The therapist will video call to join a secured chat at the designated time.
  3. The sessions will begin with a subjective history regarding your condition followed by an objective examination i.e. one will be asked to do some movements and functional test to aid assessment and diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been established, your therapist will go through the management plan with you i.e. ways to manage your injury in the form of correct sitting posture, correct lifting technique, posture correction, rehabilitation exercises, performing RICER etc. Your therapist will go through all the exercise by demonstration, making sure you understand your condition and what needs to be done at home.
  4. Your therapist will advise the subsequent follow up appointment according to your plan until you’re fully recovered or stabilised.


How do I prepare for my 1st Online sessions 

  • A Camera-equipped computer, smartphone or tablet. (Preferably a computer with microphone and speaker installed)
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection
  • Attire: wear sports apparel, something flexible and lightweight. (Example, if knee condition, wear a shorts)


What kind of Problems can we treat with online telehealth

Our therapists will review your individual case to determine an online consultation is suitable. If your condition is not suitable for online consultation after the commencement you will not be charged a consultation.

The following conditions are usually treatable via online consultation:

  • Acute Pain and Injuries
    • Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, Hip, Ankle
  • Post Operative Protocols
  • Soft Tissue Injuries (Ligament Sprain, Muscle contusions, muscle strains)
  • Tendinopathies (Achilles, Patella, Glutueal, Rotator Cuff, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis)
  • Joint Pain (Osteoarthritis, Synovitis)
  • Exercise Based Rehabilitation (Eg Seniors, Pre & Post natal, Sports rehab)
  • Overloading Conditions (Shin splints, Stress Fractures, Osgood Schlatters)
  • Ergonomics Setups (Work from Home Workstation Setup)
  • Muscle tightness and Muscle weakness

If your condition is not mentioned in the list above, please contact us to review your case.


What happen after first session (follow up session)

  • After your first Tele-Rehab consultation your therapist will advise you on the recommended follow up time frame. Follow up appointments involve assessing the effects of your previous treatment and exercise program, adjusting the program for progression as deem fit.


At heal360 Physioclinic, our therapist will provide your online video consultation without physical contact, through our telecommunication (via a secure platform without interruptions and also encrypted video link exercise prescription software.)

Speak to our therapist to see if you are suitable for online telehealth consultation now- Call /SMS at 9639 0509 or 91510068 . Or Email Us


Assessment of condition. Identify root cause, Diagnose & explain condition.




Develop a tailored treatment plan to manage your conditions



Customise video demonstration and self management with therapeutic exercise program