Physioclinic is listed in Health Promotion Board as service provider for workplace health program (WHP).
A Corporate Wellness Program helps employees and employers get the most out of life. Physioclinic’s corporate health program will provide an exceptional opportunity for employers and human resource managers who recognize that having fit, healthy and happier employees can be one of their company’s greatest assets. Physioclinic will work with your employees to achieve positive outcomes.
What will an employee wellness program mean to your company? |
1) Preventive Musculoskeletal Health Program
To reduce risk and prevention of common musculoskeletal problems such as neck and back pain
1) Ergonomics Worksite Assessment & Consultancy
2) Educational Talks / Workshops
2) Health Consultancy Program
To provide help for staff who are suffering from musculoskeletal problems and related health problems such as weight, stress, diet.
1) Physiotherapy Consultancy
2) Physiotherapy Targeted Invention
3) Wellness Musculoskeletal Health Program
To provide wellness for staff that has a previous history or at risk of musculoskeletal or health problems.
1) Back Care & Clinical Pilates
2) Osteoarthritis Knee Prevention
3) Relaxation and Stress management Classes
4) Weight Management Workshop
5) Strength and Conditioning Workshop
6) Fall Prevention Workshop
Call 9639 0509 or Email us to see how we can help you and your employees